Friends of Rockville Music

We are a private, charitable 501(c)(3) organization that supports the outstanding Instrumental, Choral and Band programs that comprise the Music Department at Rockville High School. We also help support the Music Department at Earle B. Wood Middle School via our annual cluster concert. 

We expect all families with music students at Rockville High School to become members and get involved. We encourage all RHS cluster parents and community members to also become members. 

All donations — including your membership fee — are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Support Rockville Music by becoming a Member or Make a Direct Donation!

Order Your Flocks Now

Flocking is in its 6th year and we are ready to take your orders. Flocking is a fundraiser for the entire Music Department. Rockville families (music or non-music) pay to have a flock of 10 orange and black flamingos land on a friend's yard in the neighborhood for a few days. It's a flocking good time! Flocks are $25 and can only be ordered and paid for digitally. 

Order Here

Flamingos start landing Sept 3 and Fly South by Nov 5. 

Marching Band Popcorn Fundraiser

Thank you to all who participated in our Double Good Popcorn fundraiser! We netted $2,060 - enough to cover the 30-foot box truck we need to rent for the season!

We truly appreciate your support!